Wedding party flowers

Wedding party flowers

What does the etiquette says about the wedding party flowers? Who should wear flowers at a wedding, apart from the bride, of course? The groom The groom should wear a boutonnière (also called buttonhole) on the left lapel of his suit jacket. This could be a single...
Bridal bouquet

Bridal bouquet

The bridal bouquet is part of an ancient tradition. The bride used to carry a bouquet of herbs to ward off evil spirits. And she used to toss it as she made her exit from the church to distract people who would try and rip off parts of her dress, since it was...
Wedding reception tips

Wedding reception tips

Wedding reception tips and ideas: this is what this wedding blog is all about. After the series of three blogs on the typical Italian wedding reception, I thought sharing my 15-year experience in planning destination wedding receptions in Rome could be of some...
Wedding reception open bar

Wedding reception open bar

A wedding reception open bar: how does it usually unfold in Italy? what is the order of events? what food and drinks are served? how long does it last? These are the main questions couples planning their destination wedding in Rome usually ask me, because they want to...